Statement of Concern on Fluoridation
Rationale For Degrees
The point of this initiative is to show that there are, indeed, mainstream doctors, dentists, scientists, lawyers and other professionals, as well as mainstream organizations who question water fluoridation. We are gathering signatures from mainstream professionals with the highest degrees (MD, DDS, DMD, PhD, DSc, JD, etc) because it is these that carry the most weight with government agencies and officials.
A strong statement signed by professionals of high stature reflects a serious concern in mainstream thinking, in spite of the persistent claims of the ADA, CDC, and other entities that only misinformed fringe elements question fluoridation.
The SoC is not meant in any way to be elitist! We are simply thinking of the intended audience (U.S. Congress) whose attention we wish to elicit.
Other degrees that we have accepted include RN, MPH, RDH, PE, etc., because they represent professions that have direct relevance to water fluoridation. Professionals without high degrees are listed if they have a high profile, such as director of an influential environmental organization.
We are sorry, but we will not list professionals who have solely MA, MS, BA, BSc degrees, unless these individuals also have high profile or directly related jobs, as mentioned above. We have been listing some health professionals who work in holistic professions (DC, Lic.Ac., ND, etc), and we believe we could get many, but we are mostly looking for what the government would consider "mainstream". We want a preponderance of "mainstream" professionals, rather than holistic or "alternative". Again, this is strategic, and is not meant to be exclusionary!
Thanks for your understanding and your help!
SoC and instructions for signing
Detailed description of the Statement of Concern