Sixty years of successful public relations whitewashing of “fluoride” by proponents of water fluoridation has resulted, in part, in the lack of necessary information reaching medical personnel about the health effects of fluoride's toxicity, whether acute or chronic.
The question of total body burden from the many and growing sources of fluoride is of great concern to those scientists who have been studying this problem in depth.
A clearer picture of symptoms of chronic fluoride toxicity has been emerging: arthritis, thyroid diseases, brittle bones, chronic fatigue syndrome and chemical sensitivities, are among many puzzling health effects that have been growing steadily more common, and appear to be linked with fluoride toxicity.
Millions of people are affected in the United States alone, even if only 20% of the cases of the conditions listed above are caused or exacerbated by fluoride toxicity (we suspect the figure is much higher).
Chronic and acute fluoride poisoning, or even sensitivity to fluoride chemicals, is far more common than most people imagine.
Most fluoride-poisoned people usually suffer through many years before identifying their affliction, and then find absolutely no help from the medical establishment.
Dental fluorosis in children, a symptom of fluoride toxicosis, is now at epidemic proportions, yet is still considered by many health professionals to be “merely a cosmetic effect”, even while effects can include severely stained and crumbling teeth requiring expensive, restorative dental treatment.
- There is no textbook, nor are there any formal teaching materials with which to convey to medical personnel and others the nature of fluoride toxicity, and there are almost no people scientifically trained to understand this information. As a result, people with any degree of fluoride poisoning are usually un- or misdiagnosed, and ignorance of fluoride's toxicity is perpetuated.
Clearly, new ideas and approaches are needed to address these problems that, so far, have been so neglected. Second Look is happy that our FTRC program and its excellent staff will be working to find progressive solutions.
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