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Help Support Second Look

Your secure, tax-deductible* donation to Second Look will help transform emotional public policy issues into rational, open discussions, while encouraging health and environmental protection. With your generosity, Second Look can continue its unique mission of facilitating public and scientific scrutiny of these complex issues, as well as initiating progressive programs that address fluoride toxicity.

Make a Donation!

To make a much-appreciated donation, please send a check or money-order (made payable to Second Look) to:

Second Look
P.O. Box 266
Montpelier, VT 05601


Online credit card donations can be made through the secure online agency, Network For Good, by clicking on this button:


Limited time and supply offer:

For a donation of $150, get a free copy of Christopher Bryson’s pivotal book, “The Fluoride Deception” (free shipping within the U.S.). If donating at least $150 online, please add a request for this book in the comments section of the donation form.

Thank you for supporting Second Look’s important work!

* Tax deductible for U.S. citizens.

Please e-mail us ( with any questions, comments, or suggestions you might have. Every effort will be made to answer e-mails promptly. Thank you!